Gauge + Taiko = No more flaky tests
Gauge is a free and open source test automation tool that takes the pain out of maintaining acceptance tests.
Taiko is free and open source node library with a clear and concise API built ground up to test modern web applications.
Together, Gauge and Taiko help you create reliable and easy to maintain end to end tests.
Get Started-
Gauge and Taiko is one of the best test automation duos out there. Gauge applies BDD methodology but removes all roadblocks of enforced syntax, long setup and tool-specific formats. Instead, Gauge relies on a known standard of markdown, build-in support for reporting, and free format to match your team's domain. Together, Gauge and Taiko get your team up and running fast, and ensure you focus your effort on dealing with bugs you uncover with your test suites, rather than on maintaining your test suite itself.
Dmitry Vinnik
Lead Software Engineer, Salesforce.