Gauge is a external DSL to express test behavior and data outside code.
Gauage is a light-weight cross-platform test automation tool with the ability to author test cases in the business language.
Headless Acceptance Tests Using Gauge, Puppeteer and Chrome to run headless tests
Release 0.9.2, updates and features. Run and debug tests in IntelliJ IDEA with the newly integrated runner!
What’s new in release 0.9.0 and more
To be a better testing tool, from version 0.9.0, Gauge collects anonymous usage statistics (telemetry). The data is public and there’s an easy way to opt out.
The new headles feature in Chrome 59, makes it easy to run gauge with selenium on a CI/CD setup or Docker instances without having to use.
Writing automated tests that are easy to maintain require skill, practice, discipline and good design.
Despite having the right set of automated tests, writing and managing a growing test suite can be challenging.
Writing scenarios to test a functionality involves a lot of thinking. Over time test cases and scenarios become complex even for trivial applications.